Sitges Hostels "Hostales", Sitges Pensions, & Sitges Youth Hostels Hostels, Pensions, & Youth Hostels in Sitges Spain Catalonia |
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Regarding Sitges Hostels "Hostales", Pensions, and Youth Hostels page on BarcelonaMan.com |
Sitges hostels "hostales" are many but a small few of them have websites. Still, deciding among them can be a difficult task. There are hundreds and hundreds of places to spend a night (hostels, hotels, and apartments) and many are very competitive in location and price. Should you stay in a hotel, hostel, or youth-hostel? Only you can decide this, but I have listed below the small, complete collection of Sitges hostels on the internet for those who are looking for merely an inexpensive and typically clean & safe place to stay. One can read reviews and recommendations of some of the Sitges hostels in the "Hostels & Other Lodgings" forum of the ALL SPAIN Message Board.
WHAT is a hostel/hostal? Hostels, called "hostales" in Spanish and "hostals" in Catalán, are usually very quaint (small), family owned and operated hotels and can be found in some of the most historical, interesting, and active parts of the city at very good prices. Hostels in Spain should not be confused with Youth-Hostels which are called "albergues juveniles" in Spanish.
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Featured Hostels, Pensions, & Youth Hostels in Sitges 
Sitges Hostels "Hostales", Sitges Pensions, and Sitges Youth Hostels |
Hostal Maricel
URL: milisa.com/P.Maricel/...
Zone: 50m from Sitges beach
Hostal Termes
URL: www.hostaltermes.com
Zone: Sitges
Pension Espalter
URL: www.pensionespalter.com
Zone: 250m from Sitges beach
Bonaire Hostal Sitges
URL: www.bonairehostalsitges.com
Zone: 25m from Sitges beach
¡ Su Pensión Aquí !
¡ Su Hostal Juvenil Aquí !
Sitges Youth Hostels - Youth Hostels in Sitges Cataluña |